Nicotine-Induced Kindling: Influences of Age, Sex, and Prevention by AntioxidantsĭANIELLE MACEDO, ADRIANO JOSÉ MAIA CHAVES FILHO, PATRÍCIA XAVIER LIMA GOMES, LIA LIRA OLIVIER SANDERS, AND DAVID FREITAS DE LUCENAģ7. Involvement of Opioid Receptors in Nicotine-Related Reinforcement and Pleasureģ6. Pharmacology of Muscle-Type Nicotinic ReceptorsĪRMANDO ALBEROLA-DIE, RAÚL COBO, ISABEL IVORRA, AND ANDRÉS MORALESģ5. Targeting Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors for the Treatment of PainĭENIZ BAGDAS, S. The Medial Habenula-Interpeduncular Nucleus Pathway in Nicotine Sensitization: The Role of α3β4 Nicotinicģ3. Nicotine Addiction and Alpha4beta2* Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptorsģ2. Nicotine and Alpha3beta2 Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine ReceptorsĭORIS CLARK JACKSON, AND STERLING N. KATARIA DINESH, GOEL ANKIT, TIWARI SUCHETA, AND KUKRETI PRERNAģ0. CRF2 Receptor Agonists and Nicotine Withdrawal WUYOU SUI, SCOTT ROLLO, AND HARRY PRAPAVESSISĢ7. The Acute Effect of Exercise on Cravings and Withdrawal Symptoms Craving in Substance Use Disorders With a Focus on Cigarette Smoking Prenatal Nicotine Exposure and Impact on the Behaviors of OffspringĢ5. Nicotine in Aberrant Learning and Corticostriatal PlasticityĢ4. Cotinine and Memory: Remembering to ForgetĢ3. 6-Hydroxy-L-Nicotine and Memory ImpairmentĢ2. Nicotine, Corticotropin-Releasing Factor, and Anxiety-Like BehaviorĢ1.

Effects of Nicotine on Inhibitory Control in HumansĢ0. Nicotine Dependence in Schizophrenia: Contributions of Nicotinic Acetylcholine ReceptorsĭAVID J. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Acute Nicotine Effectsġ7. Resting-State Functional Connectivity Imaging and Nicotine Dependenceġ6. Tobacco and Positron-Emission Tomography (PET) of the Dopaminergic System: A Review of Human Studiesġ5. INSA BACKHAUS, ALICE MANNOCCI, GIUSEPPE LA TORRE, AND ALDO LICCARDIġ4. Cigarette Smoking and Nicotine: Effects on Multiple Sclerosis Linking Nicotine, Menthol, and Brain Changesġ3. Nicotine Neuroprotection of Brain Neurons: The Other Side of Nicotine AddictionĭZEJLA BAJREKTAREVIC, SILVIA CORSINI, ANDREA NISTRI, AND MARIA TORTORAġ2.

ABLES, BEATRIZ ANTOLIN-FONTES, AND INES IBAÑEZ-TALLONġ1. Nicotine, Neural Plasticity, and Nicotine’s Therapeutic Potential Cotinine as a Possible Allosteric Modulator of Nicotine Effects in Various Modelsĩ. Synaptically Located Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunits in Neurons Involved in Dependency to NicotineĨ. Prenatal Nicotine Exposure and Neuronal Progenitor Cellsħ. YAEL ABREU-VILLAçA, ALEX CHRISTIAN MANHÃES, AND ANDERSON RIBEIRO-CARVALHOĦ. Reduction of Nicotine in Tobacco and Impact The Impact of Traditional Cigarettes and ECigarettes on the BrainĮWELINA WAWRYK-GAWDA, MARTA LIS-SOCHOCKA, PATRYCJA CHYLIŃSKA-WRZOS, BEATA BUDZYŃSKA, AND BARBARA JODŁOWSKA-JĘDRYCHĥ. Maternal Smoking and Fetal Brain Outcome: Mechanisms and Possible Solutions Understanding Tobacco Use in Different CountriesĢ. Nicotine alters a variety of neurological processes, from molecular biology, to cognition, and quitting is exceedingly difficult because of the number of withdrawal symptoms that accompany the process. With an estimated one billion individuals worldwide classified as tobacco users-and tobacco use often being synonymous with nicotine addiction-nicotine is one of the world’s most common addictive substances, and a frequent comorbidity of misuse of other common addictive substances. Offering thorough coverage of all aspects of nicotine research, treatment, policy and prevention, and containing contributions from internationally recognized experts, the book provides students, early-career researchers, and investigators at all levels with a fundamental introduction to all aspects of nicotine misuse. Neuroscience of Nicotine: Mechanisms and Treatment presents the fundamental information necessary for a thorough understanding of the neurobiological underpinnings of nicotine addiction and its effects on the brain.